Goto Github Migration from Solidify

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Published September 24, 2020

Principal Consultant

Kristinn Gunnarsson

Is your team ready to take the step and move to GitHub?

There are many reasons you might want to move to GitHub; GitHub is the largest developer platform in the world with over 50+ million developers.

GitHub offers build-in advanced security features such as Dependabot and Vulnerability scanning that make sure that your code is secure and does not contain any secrets when it is checked in.

GitHub is an elastic platform that lets you take control of your Continuous Integration (CI) and Continues Delivery (CD) with advanced features such as GitHub Actions.

Solidify has an Offering for those ready to migrate from existing platforms to GitHub

Solidify Go to GitHub

The Solidify Go to GitHub is a 2-week engagement that fully incorporates a transition from any current platform into GitHub and extends your use of Microsoft Azure.

Solidify has 15 years of tool migration experience, we can help you to move from TFS, Jira, Trello, Confluence, Bamboo, Jenkins, Bitbucket, GitLab, Subversion and many other platforms to GitHub.

The offer consists of four phases, and all can be done remote:

1. Analysis

We analyze your existing development platform and deliver a complete offer for a GitHub migration. The analysis phase ranges from four to eight hours, depending on company size. After the conclusion of this phase, we provide a complete offer for the remaining three phases. This phase is free of charge.

2. Training

Before the migration, we will train your team to use the full potential of the GitHub platform.

3. Migration/Adoption

In this phase, we help you set up the GitHub platform as you want it. All source code, build definitions and selected artefacts are migrated to GitHub. We can also help you set up Azure infrastructure and subscriptions to deploy your applications to Azure with GitHub Actions and also to utilize hosted build runners or setting up your self hosted runners.

4. Continuous Integration (CI)/Continuous Delivery (CD)

This phase focuses on using GitHub Actions or Azure Pipelines for CI/CD and other automation. Examples of other automation’s can be to automate deployments of new environments. All to improve your development process from commit to application in the production process, reduce cycle times and increase the quality of your software.